Eleanor Roosevelt to Chester Bryant
Eleanor Roosevelt to Chester Bryant
28 June 1947 [Hyde Park]
My dear Mr. Bryant:
In answer to your letter of June 23rd, I doubt if you actually had any one close to you in the recent war, or if you have been in any country where the war actually was fought, or you would not so blithely be considering another war.
If our democracy is not strong enough to assert itself and conquer communism spiritually, economically and politically, then your defeatist attitude might be justified, but I never again want to see any men belonging to any nation, engaged in modern atomic war.
I think you will agree with me that every American has the right to free speech and an obligation when they feel strongly, to say so.
Very sincerely yours,
1. MD, 23 June 1947. For more on ER's assessment of Soviet behavior, see Document 207.
2. Charles Bryant to ER, 23 June 1947, AERP.