Documents et Débats

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The Association psychanalytique de France (APF), or French Psychoanalytic Association, has, since it was formed in 1964, published a Bulletin intérieur ; this name was retained until 1970, when it became Documents et Débats (Documents and Debates). Originally its purpose was to publish reports of internal discussions and the annual general meeting. Editorial responsibilities initially belonged to a committee presided over by Jean Laplanche, who entrusted Jean-Louis Lang, vice president, with the role of editor.

Looking through past issues of the review provides an illuminating survey of the world of publishing; the quality of the paper, print, and typography make for pleasant reading. The cover design has changed over the yearsfrom Bordeaux red to dark green, from car-mine red to light gray, the color of the present volume, which is devoted to Gradiva. In 1991, with Raoul Moury as president, Documents et Débats underwent its latest design overhaul.

Organization of the magazine is unique. The editor changes whenever a new board is elected. The editor accepts but does not suggest material for publication. Distribution is restricted exclusively to members and analysts undergoing training. The review serves a unifying role in a profession that tends to isolate analysts: the text is edited in Lyon and printed in Paris; editors have come from Bordeaux, Lyon, Nantes, and Paris.

Issues appear on a regular basis and mark the progress of the association. Every year an issue is devoted to the publication of official documents, reports of the annual meeting, national and international reunions at which association members have participated ex officio. A second issue publishes the texts of papers given throughout the year as part of the biannual meetings and scientific get-togethers.

There have also been special issues devoted to the work of individual colleagues at the time of their death. There have been homages to Daniel Lagache (1975), Angelo Bejarano (1981), Georges Favez (1982), and Victor Smirnoff (1995). Occasionally, special issues have been proposed on particular topics"La psychanalyse en société" (Psychoanalysis in Society) (1985), "APF and IPA" (1987), "A.P.F. au passé-présent" (The A.P.F. in the Past and in the Present) (1988), "La formation" (Training) (1990)introducing discussion within the association. However, in spite of the number of requests, it appears that this method of exchange is not necessarily the most appropriate or the most popular.

Psychoanalysts in the APF have often helped found psychoanalytic journals. The list of their editorial contributions is long and includes Nouvelle Revue de psychanalyse (New Review of Psychoanalysis), Psychanalyseà l'université (Psychoanalysis in the University), L'Écrit du temps (The Writing of Time), La Revue internationale de psychopathologie (International Review of Psychopathology), L'Inactuel, Le Journal de la psychanalyse de l'enfant (The Journal of Child Psychoanalysis), Le Fait de l'analyse (The Fact of Analysis), and Libres Cahiers pour la psychanalyse (Psychoanalytic Notebooks). These publications have created forms of discussion and research outside the APF that have strengthened the identity of Documents et Débats.

The bulletin remains the vehicle for disseminating information about the association and promotes the circulation of texts among members to solicit and support scientific research. In this way Documents et Débats contributes to maintaining a serious dialogue that any association worthy of the name must have.

Jean-Yves Tamet

See also: Association psychanalytique de France.

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