Afinogenov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich

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Aleksandr Nikolayevich Afinogenov (əlyĬksän´dər nyĬkəlī´əvĬch əfē´nəgyĕ´nəf), 1904–41, Russian playwright. In his early plays he wrote of labor problems and the dangers of straying from the Communist ideal. His later plays concern the difficulties inherent in the development of the new social order. In his most popular work, Fear (1931, tr. 1934), a scientist's concept of fear as the Soviet ruling force is refuted by a Bolshevik leader. His other major works include Dalyokoye (1935, tr. Remote) and On the Eve (1941, tr. 1946). Afinogenov was killed in a German air raid.

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