Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Pictures, and Press Releases
- Woodyard, Sam(uel)
- Wooldridge, David (Humphry Michael)
- Woollen, (Charles) Russell
- Woolrich, John
- Worbs, Hans Christoph
- Wordsworth, Barry
- Wordsworth, Barry
- Wordsworth, William (Brocklesby)
- working-out
- Workman, William
- Wörner, Karl(heinz) H(einrich)
- Woronoff, Wladimir
- Worshipful Company of Musicians
- Worzischek (Voríšek), Johann Hugo (Jan Václav)
- Wöss, Kurt
- Wotquenne (-Plattel), Alfred (Camille)
- Wotquenne, Alfred
- Woytowicz, Boleslaw
- Wozzeck
- Wq