Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Pictures, and Press Releases
- Haubiel (real name, Pratt), Charles Trowbridge
- Haudebert, Lucien
- Haufrecht, Herbert
- Haug, Gustav
- Haug, Hans
- Haughton, Chauncey
- Haugland, Aage
- Haugland, Aage
- Hauk, Minnie
- Hauk, Minnie (real name, Amalia Mignon Hauck)
- Haunted Ballroom, The
- Haupt, Karl August
- Hauptmann, Cornelius
- Hauptmann, Moritz
- Hauptstimme
- Hauptthema
- Hauptwerk
- Hauschild, Wolf-Dieter
- Hauschka, Vincenz
- Hausegger, Friedrich von