Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Pictures, and Press Releases
- lancers
- Lanchbery, John
- Lanchbery, John (Arthur)
- Land of Hope and Glory
- Land of Lost Content, The
- Land of my Fathers
- Land of Smiles, The
- Land of the Mountain and the Flood
- Landau, Siegfried
- Landi, Stefano
- Landi, Stefano
- Landini Cadence
- Ländler
- Landon, Christa
- Landon, H(oward) C(handler) Robbins
- Landon, H(oward) C(handler) Robbins
- Landormy, Paul (Charles-René)
- Landowski, Marcel
- Landre, Guillaume
- Landre, Willem (actually, Guillaume Louis Frédéric)