Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Transcripts, and Maps
- Hekate
- Hellenistic Age
- Hellenistic Religions
- Hellespont
- Hells Canyon
- Helmholtz, Hermann Von (1821–1894)
- Hemichordata (Hemichordates)
- Hemiptera (True Bugs, Cicadas, Leafhoppers, Aphids, Mealy Bugs, and Scale Insects)
- Henderson, Hazel (1933 – ) English/American Environmental Activist and Writer
- Hendry, Stephen Gordon
- Henotheism
- Herakles
- Herder, Johann Gottfried
- Heresy: An Overview
- Heresy: Christian Concepts
- Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service
- Hermes Trismegistos
- Hermetism
- Herod Agrippa I
- Herod Agrippa II