Energy, Government, and Defense magazines
- Pierre G. T. Beauregard
- Post-Cold War Espionage Between the United States and Russia: How has the Mission Changed
- Preface
- Preface
- Preface
- Preface
- Prosecuting Terrorism
- Reading, Writing, and Warfare: Children in Armed Conflict
- Richard Cordley
- Robert E. Lee
- Robert Gould Shaw
- Romania's Cyanide Spill
- Rose O'Neal Greenhow
- Russia Agrees to Take the world's Nuclear Waste: But Where to Put it
- Sally L. Tompkins
- September 11, 2001: The United States is Attacked on its Own Soil
- Slavery and the American South
- South Africa's Struggle with AIDS
- South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- Special Note