Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Transcripts, and Maps
- Confederates in Brazil and Mexico
- Confederation of Colombian Workers (CTC)
- Confederation of Iranian Students
- Confederation of Peruvian Workers (CTP)
- Confederation of the Equator
- Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions
- Confederation of Workers of the Peruvian Revolution (CTRP)
- Conference of Latin American Bishops (CELAM)
- Confirmation Theory
- Confucius (551–479 BCE)
- Congada
- Congolese (Brazzavillans)
- Congolese (Zairians)
- Congregación
- Congress of April 1813
- Congress of Ottoman Liberals (1902)
- Coni, Emilio R. (1854–1928)
- Coni, Gabriela Laperrière de (1866–1907)