Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Transcripts, and Maps
- Pane, Ignacio Alberto (1883–1920)
- Pani Arteaga, Alberto J. (1878–1955)
- Paniagua y Vasques, Cenobio (1821–1882)
- Paniagua, Valentín (1936–2006)
- Paniyan
- Pannenberg, Wolfhart (1928–)
- Panpsychism
- Pantanal
- Pantheismusstreit
- Panton, Leslie, and Company
- Pánuco River
- Pan–American Conferences
- Pan–American Highway
- Pan–American Institute of Geography and History
- Pan–Americanism
- Papaloapan River
- Pape, Lygia (1929–2004)
- Papel Sellado
- Papini, Giovanni (1881–1956)
- Papp, Joseph