Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Transcripts, and Maps
- Stephen Smale
- Sterner, Katherine Schmidt
- Steve Fossett
- Steve R. Ptacek
- Steven Wozniak
- Stevens, William Oliver (1878-1955)
- Stevenson, Ian (1918-)
- Stewart, Kenneth Malcolm (1916-)
- Stewart, W(ilber) C(larence) (1936-)
- Sthenometer
- Stichomancy
- Sticklebacks
- Sticklebacks
- Sticklebacks, Seahorses, and Relatives: Gasterosteiformes
- Stickler Syndrome
- Stiff Person Syndrome
- Stiles, Joseph D
- Stilts and Avocets
- Stilts and Avocets
- Stilts and Avocets: Recurvirostridae