Skip to main content - Miramion, Madame de (1629–1696)
- Miranda, Carmen (1909–1955)
- Miranda, Isa (1909–1982)
- Mireille (1906–1996)
- Miriam the Prophet (fl. c. 13th or 14th c. BCE)
- Miró, Pilar (1940–1997)
- Misme, Jane (1865–1935)
- Mistinguett (1875–1956)
- Mistral, Gabriela (1889–1957)
- Mitchel, Jenny (1820–1899)
- Mitchell, Abbie (1884–1960)
- Mitchell, Hannah (1871–1956)
- Mitchell, Jackie (1914–1987)
- Mitchell, Joan (1926–1992)
- Mitchell, Joni (1943—)
- Mitchell, Juliet (1940—)
- Mitchell, Lucy (1845–1888)
- Mitchell, Lucy Sprague (1878–1967)
- Mitchell, Margaret (1900–1949)
- Mitchell, Margaret J. (1832–1918)