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Ādhān. The call to worship (ṣalāt) given by the muʾadhīn (Muezzin) traditionally from the manāra (minaret), before each of the five daily times of ṣalāt.

The words incorporate the Shahāda (profession of faith):(i) Allāhu Akbar (God is most great)(ii) Ashhadu anna lā ilāha illā Allāh (I bear witness there is no god but God)(iii) Ashhadu anna Muḥammadan rasūl Allāh (I bear witness Muḥammad is the messenger of God)(iv) Ḥaiya ʿalā al-ṣalāt (Come to prayer)(v) Ḥaiya ʿalā al-falāḥ (Come to wellbeing)(vi) Al-ṣalāt khayrun min al-nawm (Prayer is better than sleep)(vii) Allāhu Akbar (God is most great)(viii) Lā ilāha illā Allāh (There is no god but God).

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