
views updated Jun 11 2018

Ayatollah (Arab., ‘sign of God’). Title of high-ranking Shiʿite Muslim authorities, especially in Iran. It is a recent (20th cent.) title for exceptional jurists (mujtāhid), whose authority rests on that of the infallible Imām—though in 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini (see KHUMAYNI) adopted the title of Imām for himself. An Ayatollah's decisions (fatwā) have authority only for those who examine and agree with them—in theory; in practice, Ayatollahs gain personal followings, among whom their decisions are accepted as binding. The extension of these personal followings to even wider communities is again a recent innovation.


views updated May 17 2018

ayatollah (Arabic, reflection of God) Honorific title bestowed upon a Muslim leader who has attained significant distinction and, often, political influence. See also Khomeini, Ruhollah


views updated May 29 2018

a·ya·tol·lah / ˌäyəˈtōlə/ • n. a Shiite religious leader in Iran.

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