Shahrastānī, Abu-ʾl-Fath Muḥammadibn ʿAbd al-Karīm

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Shahrastānī, Abu-ʾl-Fath Muḥammadibn ʿAbd al-Karīm (1076–1153 (AH 469–548)). Muslim scholar, especially of the relation of religions to Islam. He was a Sunni and an Ashʿarite (al-Ashʿari), who wrote a work on the limitations of philosophy in relation to theology (Nihāyat al-Iqdām fi ʿIlm al-Kalām), but he is remembered particularly for Kitāb al-Milal wʿal-Nihal (The Book of Religions and Systems). Islam is placed at the centre, as the recipient of the uncorrupted Qurʾān, and other religions (including Islamic sects) are then placed in varying degrees of positive or negative relation to Islam.

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