Aaron Ḥakiman
AARON ḤAKIMAN (14th century), poet; lived in Baghdad. His prolific works include the incomplete divan presently in the Firkovich collection (Catalog der hebraeischen und samaritanischen Handschriften, 2 (1875), no. 72) in St. Petersburg; this contains a kinah on the persecution of the Jews of Baghdad in 1344 which describes the destruction of the city's synagogues and the desecration of Torah scrolls. Outstanding among the poems of the divan are those in honor of resh galuta Sar Shalom (b. Phinehas); also included are several brief maqamas. His poems demonstrate the author's expert knowledge of classical Spanish poetry and the Bible, but they lack originality.
J.H. Schirmann, Shirim Ḥadashim min ha-Genizah (1966), 139–46.
[Abraham Meir Habermann]