Argimir, St.

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Martyr; b. c. 785, Cabra, Spain; d. June 28, 856, Córdoba. Argimir was an elderly nobleman who had earlier held the office of censor in the Muslim government of Córdoba. He had retired from the administration of justice and withdrawn to a monastery when certain Muslims accused him of scurrilous derision of their prophet and profession of the divinity of Christ. Argimir admitted the charges before the qadi and was hung on the eculeus while still alive and finally slain by the sword. Christians buried his relics in the basilica of St. Acisclus in Córdoba. He was included in the Roman martyrology in 1586.

Feast: July 7.

Bibliography: eulogius, Memoriale sanctorum, Patrologia Latina, ed. j. p. migne (Paris 187890). 115:815818. e. p. colbert, The Martyrs of Córdoba, 850859 (Washington 1962) 262264.

[e. p. colbert]

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