Aronius, Julius

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ARONIUS, JULIUS (1861–1893), German historian. Aronius was born in Rastenberg, East Prussia, and studied history and philology at the universities of Berlin and Koenigsberg. He taught for a short time in the orphanage of the Berlin Jewish community. When the Historische Commission fuer Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland was founded in 1885, Aronius was invited to join its staff. In this capacity he gathered source material for the history of the Jews in medieval Germany. His collection, Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden im fraenkischen und deutschen Reiche bis zum Jahre 1273 (1902), was the first source book on the history of German Jewry prepared according to scholarly principles and influenced similar works produced in other countries. After his early death his colleagues A. Dresdner and L. Lewinsky prepared for the press the last installment of the collection. The full work was published in 1902 (repr. 1970).


Aronius, Regesten, "Vorbemerkung" by Bresslau.

[Zvi Avneri /

Marcus Pyka (2nd ed.)]

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