Ceremonial of Bishops
The Ceremonial of Bishops, or Caeremoniale Episcoporum was a logical outcome of the ordinal–pontifical evolution as a ceremonial for bishops. The first edition, promulgated by Clement VIII, July 14, 1600, was not an innovation. Such a ceremonial guide found its immediate sources in the compilations of the masters of ceremonies of the papal household. Several of their works have been edited, notably ordinal 14 of Mabillon, compiled by Cardinal Stefaneschi. Such papal custom books eventually end in the Caeremoniale Romanum prepared by Patrizzi in 1488, edited in 1516 by Marcellus, and reedited with a famous commentary by Catalani in 1750. Paris de Grassi, master of ceremonies in Bologna and Rome, edited a book in 1564 intended for bishops in their own sees, but only after vehemently opposing others who earlier had made papal ceremonies available to bishops. A revised edition of the Ceremonial of Bishops was promulgated in 1984 (U.S. edition, 1989) and supersedes all previous editions.
Bibliography: j. nabuco, "La Liturgie papale et les origines du Cérémoniel des évêques, "Miscellanea Liturgica in Honorem L. Cuniberti Mohlberg (Rome 1948) 1:283–300; Ius pontificalium: Introductio in caeremoniale episcoporum (Tournai 1956). a. tegels, "Caeremoniale episcoporum, "Worship 59 (1985) 528–532.
[r. t. callahan/eds.]