Consobrino, João (Sobrinho)

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Theologian; b. Lisbon, beginning of the 15th century; d. Lisbon, Jan. 11, 1486. He entered the Carmelite Order and obtained the master's degree at Oxford in 1449. He became professor of theology and Canon Law in Portugal, and as such was honored with the surname Magister Maximus. He was also court preacher and confessor to King Alfonso V. He became provincial of the Portuguese Carmelite province. Historians praise his devotion to Our Lady and his ability as a preacher and writer. Of the many works attributed to him only one was certainly his, De iustitia commutativa, arte campsoria ac alearum ludo (Paris 1483). In it he makes an important contribution to the doctrinal formulation of economic problems.

Bibliography: Bibliotheca carmelitico-Lusitana (Rome 1754) 134136. m. b. amzalak, Frei João Sobrinhoe as doutrinas económicas da idade-média (Lisbon 1945). p. servais, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, ed. a. vacant et al. (Paris 190350) 3.1:1197.

[h. spikker]

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Consobrino, João (Sobrinho)

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    Consobrino, João (Sobrinho)