Crisogóno de Jesús Sacramentado
Lawrence Garrachón, Discalced Carmelite writer and lecturer; b. Villamorisca, Leon, Spain; d. Usúrbil, Guipuzcoa, Mar. 5, 1945. After completing his studies in the humanities in the minor seminary of the Discalced carmelites at Medina del Campo, he was professed in the monastery of Segovia, Dec. 5, 1920. When he had finished his philosophical studies at Avila, and theology at Toledo, he was ordained in Toledo, April 2, 1927. He was professor of philosophy at the Discalced Carmelite college in Avila until 1931, when he was absent from Spain for a time taking supplementary philosophical courses at Louvain. During the Spanish Civil War he took refuge in France, but returned to Spain at the end of the war. In 1941 he founded the journal Rivista de Espiritualidad that he edited until his premature death, which occurred while he was conducting a retreat. Despite his early death, his writings are numerous, some very controversial. Among his better known works are: San Juan de la Cruz: Su Obra Cientifica y Su Obra Literaria (2 v. Avila 1929); La Escuela Mistica Carmelitana (Avila 1930; tr. French, Lyon 1936); Compendio de Asetica y Mistica (Avila 1933; tr. Latin, Turin 1936); Biography of St. John of the Cross (Madrid, B.A.C., 1946; tr. English, 1951).
Bibliography: alberto de la virgen del carmen, "Silueta científica del P. Crosógono de J. S." El Monte Carmelo 49 (1945) 292–303. silverio de santa teresa, Historia del Carmen Descalzo en España, Portugal y América, 15 v. (Burgos 1935–49) v.14. e. a. peers, St. Teresa of Jesus and Other Addresses (London 1953) 198–200.
[o. rodriguez]