Erminfrid, St.

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Frankish monastic founder; seventh century. Born of a noble Frankish family in Franche-Comté, he spent part of his youth at the court of Chlothair II, where his brother Waldalenus became chancellor. In 625 both retired from the court to the area of Cusance for a life of piety. About 627, Erminfrid entered the Celtic monastic life at luxeuil. When he inherited the empty nunnery at Islia in Cusance, eustace of luxeuil had him restore the edifice and reestablish monastic life there for men, making it a priory attached to Luxeuil. Erminfrid lived at Cusance, in Franche-Comté (present-day Department of Doubs), to an advanced age and was buried there near his brother.

Feast: Sept. 25.

Bibliography: egilbert of cusance, Vita, Acta Sanctorum Sept. 7:106113. t. w. davids, A Dictionary of Christian Biography, ed. w. smith and h. wace, (London 18771887) 2:181. a. m.. zimmermann, Kalendarium Benedictinum: Die Heiligen und Seligen des Benediktinerorderns und seiner Zweige (Metten 19331938) 3:101103. g. bardy, Catholicisme 4:389. j. marilier, Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques (Paris 1912) 15:751752.

[j. l. druse]

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