Esglis, Louis Philippe Mariauchau d'
Eighth bishop of Quebec, Canada; b. Quebec, April 24, 1710; d. Saint Pierre, Île d'Orléans, Quebec, June 4,1788. His father, François Mariauchau d'Esglis, was an army officer who arrived in Canada in 1689. Louis was ordained Sept. 18, 1734, and immediately became the parish priest of Saint Pierre, Île d'Orléans. In 1770 he was approved by the authorities at Rome and London as coadjutor of Quebec and was consecrated by Bp. J. O. Briand July 12, 1772, with the title Bishop of Dorylée. When Briand resigned (1784), d'Esglis, who was the first native-born Canadian bishop, assumed the authority of the see, but remained in his former residence until his death. Too old to administer to the diocese, he had a coadjutor, Jean-François Hubert, appointed as soon as possible.
Bibliography: h. tÊtu, Les Évêques de Québec (Quebec 1889). a. h. gosselin, L'Église du Canada après la conquête, 2 v. (Quebec 1916–17) v.2.
[h. provost]