Fischmann, Naḥman Isaac

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FISCHMANN, NAḤMAN ISAAC (c. 1809–1878), Hebrew writer. A member of the young Haskalah group in Lemberg, Fischmann published his first book of poetry, Eshkol Anavim, in 1827. He was one of the group which published the Ha-Ro'eh pamphlets that sharply criticized the studies by Italian (Reggio and S.D. Luzzatto) and Galician (mainly S.J. Rapoport) scholars with the stated purpose of defending "Jewish traditions." Fischmann wrote two didactic biblical plays, Sisera (1841) and Kesher Shevna (1870), and published a second volume of poetry, Ha-Et ve-ha-Meshorer, in 1870. He left many unpublished poems and talmudic studies, some of which appeared later in various periodicals.


J.L. Landau, Short Lectures in Modern Hebrew Literature (19382), 262–70; S. Bernfeld, Toledot ShIR (1899), 98ff.

[Getzel Kressel]

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