GABIN (Pol. Gąbin ; Rus. Gombin ), small town in Warszawa province, central Poland. Of the 352 houses there in 1564, seven were owned by Jews. The wooden synagogue was erected in 1710. The community numbered 365 in 1765, 2,539 in 1897, and 2,564 in 1921 (out of a total population of 5,777). R. Abraham Abele *Gombiner author of Magen Avraham, was born there. Yehuda Leib *Avida (Zlotnik) was rabbi of Gabin from 1911 to 1919. Between the wars the Jews suffered economic hardship but community life flourished. Following the Nazi occupation in September 1939, some were sent to forced labor camps; the rest were ghettoized in early 1940. In May 1942 the Jews were deported to Chelmno; around 180 survived the war, most of them subsequently immigrating to Israel.
S. Pazyra, Geneza i rozwój miast mazowieckich (1959), index; Miasta polskie w tysiącleciu (1967), index; S. Huberband, Kiddush ha-Shem (1969), 278; D. Dąbrowska, in: bŻih, no. 13–14 (1955), 122–84 and passim. add. bibliography: Dos Leben un Umkum fun a yiddish shtetl in Poylen (1969); Jewish Life, 1, 440, s.v. "Gombin."