Glid, Nandor

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GLID, NANDOR (1924–1997), Yugoslav sculptor. Glid was born in the town of Subotica. During the Nazi occupation he was in a forced labor camp and later fought with the Yugoslav partisans. After the war he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. He began as a portrait sculptor but later worked on monuments to commemorate concentration camp victims. He was commissioned to carry out his projects for monuments in the former Nazi camps of Mauthausen and Dachau. The monument in Subotica to a group of anti-Nazis (mainly Jews) who were hanged there is also his work. He has exhibited monotype graphics on war and camp subjects.


A. Rieth, To the Victims of Tyranny – Den Opfern der Gewalt (1968), 45–47, pls. 53, 75.

[Zdenko Lowenthal]

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