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ḤARIRI , family of kabbalists of the village of Ḥarir, in the district of Irbil, Kurdistan. isaac ben moses (17th century), the founder of the family, lived in this village during the first half of the 17th century. He wrote the kabbalistic work Naḥalat ha-Shem and a number of religious piyyutim. His son phinehas, who was attracted to Shabbateanism, was also a paytan and author. The sons of Phinehas, Ḥayyim and isaac, were rabbis in the townlet of Rawanduz, in the district of Irbil. abraham ben phinehas (19th century) left six works in manuscript. His son moses was a teacher for beginners in Köi in the district of Irbil and owned a large library of religious books. He wrote at least three works, of which Va-Yivḥar Moshe was published in Baghdad in 1930. Moses' son Isaac was rabbi in Rawanduz.


A. Ben-Jacob, Kehillot Yehudei Kurdistan (1961); index.

[Haim J. Cohen]