Henry of Bolzano, Bl.

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Ascetic; b. Bolzano, Italy, c. 1250; d. Treviso, Italy, June 10, 1315. Having moved to Treviso with his wife and son, Henry (or Rigo) began, after their deaths, to live in extreme poverty, devoting himself to humble trades, prayer and penance, and also, in his last years, to almsgiving. As he was famed for his holiness at the time of his death, large crowds attended his funeral, and his tomb in the cathedral of Treviso was a constant goal of pilgrimages for more than a year. Many miraculous cures were attributed to him, and a commission of bishops established some 346 of them in the space of a short time on the testimony of eyewitnesses. Among these witnesses was the Paduan Peter of Baone (d. c. 1383), later bishop of Treviso, who wrote a biography of Henry in 1381. benedict xiv confirmed the cult for the Diocese of Treviso, and pius vii extended it to that of Trent.

Feast: June 10.

Bibliography: b. bonifaccio, Il beato Enrico Trivigiano, panegirico sacro (Treviso 1653); Acta Sanctorum June 2:363386. i. rogger, Bibliotheca sanctorum (Rome 1961) 4:122627. Il beato Enrico da Bolzano nella sua vita e nel suo culto (Treviso 1915). Analecta Bollandiana 45 (1927) 443. a. butler, The Lives of the Saints, ed. h. thurston and d. attwater, 4 v. (New York 1956) 2:520521. r. degli azzoni avogaro, Memorie del beato Enrico, 2 v. (Venice 1760). a. tschÖll, Die Heiligen und Seligen Tirols, v.2 (Austria sancta 6; Vienna 1910).

[m. monaco]

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