Itinerarium Antonini

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ITINERARIUM ANTONINI , Roman roadbook, dating mainly from the early third century c.e. It gives the distances between major cities of the Roman Empire. Though ascribed to the emperor *Antoninus Pius, it is hardly an official publication. It is assigned by some critics to a Christian named Aethicus Ister, but most probably is a composite work by several authors. The work is of value in establishing the sites and names of the following towns in Ereẓ Israel (alternative names in parentheses): Ptolemais (Acre), Sycamina (Haifa), Caesarea, Betar (Bethar), Diospolis (Lydda), Iamnia (Jabneh), Ascalona (Ashkelon), Gaza, Gadara, Scythopolis (Beth-Shean), Neapolis (Nablus), and Elia (Jerusalem).


O. Cuntz (ed.), Itineraria Romana, 1 (1929); Pauly-Wissowa, 18 (1916), 2320–63.

[Louis Harry Feldman]

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