Landau, Jacob M.
LANDAU, JACOB M. (1924– ), professor emeritus of political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specializing in the political history of the modern Middle East and Central Asia. Landau was born in Kishinev. He was president of the Israel Association of Political Science (1985–87) and was elected honorary fellow of the Israel Oriental Society and the Turkish Academy of History. In 1993–98 he was the editor of Ha-Mizraḥ he-Ḥadash, the annual of the Israel Oriental Society. Landau is well known in Orientalist circles, having taught at universities in the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, the Netherlands, Brazil, and Turkey. He received various medals and distinctions, including the Israel Prize for scholarship (in Oriental studies) in 2005.
His numerous works have been published in Hebrew, Arabic, Turkish, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. Among his books are Parliaments and Parties in Egypt (1953); Studies in the Arab Theater (1958); Jews in Nineteenth-Century Egypt (1969); The Arabs in Israel: A Political Study (1969); The Hejaz Railway and the Muslim Pilgrimage: A Case of Ottoman Political Propaganda (1971); Middle Eastern Themes: Papers in History and Politics (1973); Radical Politics in Modern Turkey (1974); Abdul-Hamid's Palestine (1979); Tekinalp: Turkish Patriot, 1883–1961 (1984); The Politics of Pan-Islam: Ideology and Organization (1990); The Arab Minority in Israel, 1967–1991 (1993); Jews, Arabs, Turks (1993); Pan-Turkism: From Irredentism to Cooperation (1995); The Politics of Language in the Ex-Soviet Muslim States (2001); and Exploring Ottoman and Turkish History (2004).
International Biographical Centre (Cambridge), 2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 20th Century (2000), 209; Who's Who in Israel (2001), 230; American Biographical Institute, Contemporary Who's Who (2003), 249; J.M. Landau, Bibliography of Published Works (2004), 1–35.