Macarius of Alexandria, St.

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Ascetic monk and priest; d. c. 394. He was called politicus to distinguish him from his contemporary macarius the egyptian, called the Great. Macarius settled in the desert of Cellia at age 40. palladius met him several times and stated that he was a priest and led an exemplary life (Hist. Lausiaca 18). He was endowed with the gifts of healing and expelling demons and was responsible for the training in severe asceticism of monks in the desert of Nitria. None of the literary works attributed to him is authentic. His life is recorded in the Historia monachorum (ch. 30), and he is named in the anaphora of the Coptic Mass.

Feast: Jan. 2 (West); Jan. 19 (Greek Church).

Bibliography: É. amann, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique (Paris 190350) 9.2:144041. b. altaner, Patrology (New York 1960) 305306. j. quasten, Patrology (Westminster MD 1950) 3:168169.

[p. roche]

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Macarius of Alexandria, St.

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