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Family distinguished as Benedictines, teachers, and writers.

Franz, professor and writer; b. Ingolstadt, Oct. 25, 1632; d. Salzburg, Dec. 11, 1701. Franz entered the Benedictine Order in 1650, and was ordained in 1657. From 1659 to 1665 he taught philosophy at the University of Salzburg, then moral theology until 1668. From 1669 to 1688 he taught various theological sciences at the Benedictine Abbey of Ettal in Bavaria and at his own abbey in Salzburg. He was master of novices and director of the clerics at St. Peter in Salzburg from 1688 until his death. Besides writing ten philosophical and theological works, he made numerous translations, particularly from the Maurists, mainly of ascetical treatises.

Joseph, professor and writer; b. Eichstätt, Sept. 5, 1635; d. Abbey of St. Gall in Switzerland, Oct. 26, 1683. Joseph became a Benedictine in 1650, and was ordained in 1659. At the University of Salzburg he taught philosophy (166264), apologetics and polemics (166567), and Canon Law (166873). He was prior of St. Peter in Salzburg (167378), where he also taught hermeneutics and polemics. In 1678 he was appointed vice chancellor of the University of Salzburg. He was an intimate friend and correspondent of Mabillon, who called him "the most prominent light of the University of Salzburg." His numerous works cover theology, Scripture, and history. He died while on a pilgrimage to the Marian shrine at Einsiedeln.

Paul, professor and writer; b. Eichstätt, Nov. 23, 1637; d. Salzburg, April 12, 1702. Paul joined the Benedictines in 1652, and was ordained in 1660. From 1664 to 1666 he was master of novices and director of the clerics at St. Peter in Salzburg. At the University of Salzburg he taught philosophy (166870), theology (167388), and exegesis and polemics (16891700). In 1683 he succeeded his deceased brother as vice rector and vice chancellor of the University. Of his 33 works, M. Grabmann praises his Theologia scholastica secundum viam et doctrinam d. Thomae, in four volumes (Augsburg 1695), as "one of the best presentations of Thomistic theology." His teachings on the Immaculate Conception and papal infallibility are in accordance with later official definitions of these doctrines.

Bibliography: b. probst, Die drei Brüder Mezger (Studia anselmiana 27/28; Rome 1951) 443452. m. sattler, Collectaneen-Blätter zur Geschichte der Ehemaligen Benedictiner-Universität Salzburg (Kempten, Ger. 1890) 212218. p. lindner, Professbuch von St. Peter (Salzburg 1906) 5363, 6568, 248252. v. redlich, Benediktinisches Mönchtum in österreich, ed. h. tausch (Vienna 1949) 8386.

[o. l. kapsner]

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