Mora, Miguel (Michael) de la, St.
Martyr, priest; b. June 19, 1878, Tecalitlán, Jalisco, Diocese of Colima, Mexico; d. Aug. 7, 1927, Colima, Colima. He was chaplain of Colima cathedral, a simple, charitable priest, who was always ready to serve. Colima was the first state to require priests to register in order to exercise their sacerdotal ministries. When the bishop and priests protested, the government exiled them. Miguel was one of those who were hidden to ensure the faithful were not left untended. He was discovered and threatened with imprisonment. Unwilling to disobey the instructions of his bishop, Miguel attempted to leave the city, but was apprehended and condemned to execution. Upon reaching the appointed place at noon, he declared his faith and his love of the Blessed Mother. Miguel was felled by bullets as he prayed the rosary. He was both beatified (Nov. 22, 1992) and canonized (May 21, 2000) with Cristobal magallanes [see guadalajara (mexico), martyrs of,SS.] by Pope John Paul II.
Feast: May 25 (Mexico).
Bibliography: j. cardoso, Los mártires mexicanos (Mexico City 1953). j. dÍaz estrella, El movimiento cristero: sociedad y conflicto en los Altos de Jalisco (México, D.F. 1979). j. a. meyer, La cristiada en Colima (Colima, México 1993).
[k. i. rabenstein]