Oliveyra, Solomon ben David de

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OLIVEYRA, SOLOMON BEN DAVID DE (d. 1708), rabbi, philologist, and poet. Oliveyra was born in Lisbon, but lived in Amsterdam where he served as teacher of the Keter Torah association and as a member of the rabbinical council, over which he presided after the death of Jacob *Sasportas (1698).

He wrote a number of works in Hebrew and Portuguese, including grammatical treatises, lexicons and translations, of which the following may be noted: Sharshot Gavlut (Amsterdam, 1665), consisting of a dictionary of rhymes with chapters on meter; Ayyelet Ahavim (ibid., 1665), an account of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac in prose and poetry; Darkhei No'am (ibid., 1688–89), a guide to the study of the Talmud.


M. Hartmann, Die hebraeische Verskunst (1894), 75–79; M.B. Amzalak, in: Revista de Estudos Hebráicos, 1 (1928), 96–118; Kayserling, Bibl, 79–81.

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