
views updated May 14 2018


POMPEII , city in Campania, Southern Italy. There is enough epigraphic evidence, mostly graffiti, to show that Jews lived in Pompeii as well as in the neighboring cities of Herculanum and Stabia, before its destruction in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 c.e. It seems that most Jews arrived in Pompeii after 70 c.e. This assumption is corroborated by their humble status as freedmen, slaves, servants, or prostitutes. They bear traditional Jewish names such as Iesus, Ionas, Maria, and Martha. However there were also more affluent Jews like a certain Fabius Eupor, who bears the title princes libertinorum, or a certain Youdaikos, a wine merchant. It seems, according to epigraphic evidence, that the Jews took an active part in the municipal life of the city.

One of the houses excavated, called by the excavators "Casa degli ebrei" (N. 6, Reg. viii, Ins. 6), exhibits wall paintings, which depicts the Judgment of Solomon. However it is possible that this painting in fact depicts a tale from Ancient Egypt, mediated by Hellenistic Alexandrine Art, and not a biblical episode. As the painting clearly caricatures the subjects, depicting them as pygmies, the owner was not Jew.

An interesting graffito (Reg. ix, Ins. i, n. 26) read "Sodom Gomor." It is possible that it was written during the eruption of Vesuvius. Another graffito bears the word Cherem in Latin, which may correspond either to ḥerem (ban) or kerem (vineyard).


C. Giordano and I. Kahn, Gli Ebrei in Pompeii, in Ercolano e nelle citta della campania Felix (1965); Review by A.M. Rabello, in- Labeo, 13 (1967), 127); J. Daoust, in: bts 126 (1970); Review by A.M. Rabello, in: rmi 37 (1971), 329. add. bibliography: A. Baldi, L'anatema e la croce, Ebrei e Cristiani in Pompei antica (1983); M. Della Corte, "Fabius Eupor, princes libertinorum e gli elementi giudaici in Pompei," in: Atti dell'Accademia Pontiana, n.s., 3 (1950), 347–53; J. Goodnick Westenholz, Images of Inspiration, The Old Testament in Early Christian Art (2000), 92–93; D. Noy, Jewish Inscriptions of Western Europe, 1 (1993).

[Alfredo Mordechai Rabello /

Samuele Rocca (2nd ed.)]


views updated May 09 2018

Pompeii Ancient Roman city in se Italy, buried by a pyroclastic volcanic eruption in ad 79. Pompeii was founded in the 8th century bc, and ruled by Greeks, Etruscans and others before conquered by Rome in 89 bc. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius was so sudden and violent that c.2000 people were killed and the city was covered in volcanic ash, preserving ordinary houses intact until excavation began in the 18th century.


views updated May 18 2018

Pompeii an ancient city in western Italy, south-east of Naples. The city was buried by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 ad in which Pliny the Elder was killed; excavations of the site began in 1748, revealing well-preserved remains of buildings, mosaics, furniture, and the personal possessions of the city's inhabitants.

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