Puniet de Parry, Pierre de

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Benedictine liturgist, b. Rochefort, France, March 24, 1877; d. Abbey of Oosterhout, Holland, April 4,1941. De Puniet, who was of a noble family of Anjou, made his profession at Solesmes on Dec. 8, 1895. Ordained on March 23, 1901, he was sent to the Abbey of Farnborough and attached to Dom Cabrol's circle. For a while he collaborated on the Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie. The conference he gave at the Westminster Eucharistic Congress in 1908 on the Dêr Balyzeh of such importance for the early history of the Massmade his reputation as a liturgist. Though novice master of Oosterhout for 25 years (191742), he was nonetheless able to continue his scholarly writing. His chief work, Le Sacramentaire romain de Gellone (Rome 1938), is actually less well known than either Le Pontifical romain: Histoire et commentaire, 2 v. (Bruges-Paris 193031), of which the first volume was translated into English as The Roman Pontifical (New York 1932), or Le Psautier liturgique à la lumière de la tradition chrétienne, 2 v. (Bruges-Paris 193335).

Bibliography: S. G., Ephemerides Liturgicae 58 (1944) 316317.

[n. huyghebaert]

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