Robert, André
Old Testament exegete; b. Courseullessurmer, France, Nov. 9, 1883; d. Paris, May 28, 1955. He was ordained on June 29, 1908, became a Sulpician in 1909, and subsequently received the doctorate in theology and the licentiate in sacred scripture at Rome (1911–12). Successively he taught fundamental and moral theology (1912), philosophy (1919), and Sacred Scripture (1922), at the seminary of Issy-les-Moulineaux. In 1928 he became Old Testament Professor at the Institut Catholique of Paris. Thereafter, he devoted himself to personal biblical research, assuming the management of the Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible (1940) and the partial editorship of the Bible de Jerusalem and the well-known biblical manual, Initiation Biblique (3d ed. Paris 1954–55). Besides substantial personal contributions to the above works, he published numerous articles on the Old Testament, especially in the field of literary genres. His Le Cantique des Cantiques (Paris 1963) was edited and supplemented by R. Tournay and A. Feuillet after his death.
Bibliography: Mélanges bibliques rédigés en l'honneur de André Robert (Paris 1957) 1–10.
[p. f. chirico]