Schick, Abraham ben Aryeh Loeb

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SCHICK, ABRAHAM BEN ARYEH LOEB (19th century), Lithuanian rabbi and commentator on the Midrash. Schick lived in Slonim during the rabbinate of Isaac Shapira (called Eizel Ḥarif) but held no rabbinical post there. He devoted himself almost entirely to the study of Midrash and aggadah and published a number of commentaries on them.

These included Zera Avraham (1833), on the Midrash Proverbs; Me'orei Esh (1834), with a preface and extensive introduction, on the Tanna de-Vei Eliyahu; MaḤazeh ha-Shir (1840), on Song of Songs Rabbah; Eshed ha-NeḤalim, in five parts (1843–45), on the Midrash Rabbah; Ein Avraham (1848), on Ibn Ḥabib's Ein Ya'akov, and also dealing with the commentary to the aggadot of the Talmud by Samuel *Edels. Schick edited Ohel Ya'akov, the parables to Genesis and Exodus of Jacob Krantz (the Dubner Maggid).


Fuenn, Keneset, 67; Pinkas Slonim, 1 (1962), 63.

[Itzhak Alfassi]

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