Sextus, Sentences of

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Greek maxims (451) on moral and spiritual perfection, compiled c. 180230, partly from Neo-Pythagorean aphorisms (see neo-pythagoreanism) by Sextus, an otherwise unknown author. Origen cited them as Christian, and rufinus, ascribing them to Pope St. sixtus ii, translated them into Latin. They are extant in part in Syriac, Armenian, and Georgian. There is a citation of the Sentences of Sextus in the Rule of St. Benedict (7).

Bibliography: sextus pythagoraeus, Sentences, ed. h. chadwick (New York 1959). g. delling, "Zur Hellenisierung des Christentums in den 'Sprüchen des Sextus'," Texte und Untersuchungenzur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 77 (1961) 208241.

[h. chadwick]

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