Shumiatcher-Hirschbein, Esther

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SHUMIATCHER-HIRSCHBEIN, ESTHER (1899–1985), Yiddish poet. Born in Gomel, Belorussia, and emigrating with her family to Calgary, Canada, in 1911, she married Peretz *Hirschbein. Her poetry and two children's plays in verse reflect her many travels as well as political, natural, erotic, and (following the birth of her son, Omus, in 1934) maternal themes. After her husband's death she wrote poems of grief and mourning. Her poetry appeared in major Yiddish periodicals; her books were In Tol ("In the Valley," 1920); Pasn Likht ("Streaks of Light," 1925); In Shoen fun Libshaft ("In the Hours of Love," 1930); Ale Tog ("Every Day," 1939); Lider ("Poems," 1956). Although she continued to lecture and write, she published little from 1956 until her death, and was largely dependent on her family for support. Her works of 1934 and later were more highly regarded than her earlier writings.


F. Jones, in: Canadian Jewish Studies 11 (2003), 15f; lnyl 8, 598; 100 Yor Yidishe un Hebreishe Literatur in Kanade, 297f; lylpf 4, 556f; B. Brennan, in: Calgary Herald (March 8–10, 1997).

[Faith Jones (2nd ed.)]

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