Stern, Erich

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STERN, ERICH (1889–1959), psychologist, physician, and educator. Born in Berlin, Stern was an associate professor at the University of Giessen from 1924 to 1928, when he went to Mainz to lecture at the Institute of Pedagogy and direct the Mainz Institute of Psychology. In 1933 he migrated to Paris, where he was active in the children's neuropsychiatry clinic of the University of Paris medical school. During the Nazi occupation of France he worked with the underground, and after the war, engaged in the rehabilitation of Jewish children. From 1950, he was in charge of research in the National Center of Scientific Research in Paris.

Stern was active with *ose, and wrote some studies on the psychology of immigrants. His books include Einleitungin die Paedagogik (1922), Jugendpsychologie (1923, 19515), and Gesundheitliche Erziehung (1928). He also published the Jahrbuch der Erziehungswissenschaft und Jugendkunde.

[William W. Brickman]

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