Theology, Articles on

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Theology, in its most fundamental sense, focuses on God, the Supreme Being, the Creator of the universe; for articles on this subject, see god, articles on and trini ty, holy, articles on. In a broader sense, theology includes also discourse about things in relation to God, from the standpoint of knowledge gained by revelation and received in faith. The meaning of theology in any age will depend largely on how such terms as "revelation" and "faith" are understood. Aside from the Church, the subject in the Encyclopedia that receives the greatest attention is theology.

The two major articles on Catholic theology are the ology and theology, history of. The subdivisions within theology that receive the most extended treatment are dogmatic theology (see also dogmatic theolo gy, articles on); moral theology (see also moral theology, history of, in four articles); biblical the ology; and patristic theology. Other areas of theology that receive separate attention include foundational theology; fundamental theology; historical the ology; liturgical theology; sacramental theolo gy; spiritual theology; and theology, natural.

Theological methodology is covered in a variety of articles: see, e.g., methodology (theology); theolog ical terminology; convenientia, argumentum ex; fides quaerens intellectum; loci theologici; rea soning, theological; theological conclusion; the ology and prayer. For the dependence of theology on revelation, see revelation, theology of; revelation, fonts of; revelation, concept of (in the bible). There are also articles that deal with philosophical tools that are used in theology, e.g., hermeneutics; the ology, influence of greek philosophy on; scholas tic terms and axioms; praxis.

Different traditions of theology are treated under such headings as augustinianism, theological school of; thomism; franciscan theological tra dition; etc. Most of the articles on individual theologians also contain treatments of their theology: the most extensive of these are augustine, st.; thomas aquinas, st.; and bonaventure, st. There are many shorter articles dealing with different types of theology, Catholic and Protestant, e.g., apophatic theology; covenant the ology; death of god theology; dialectical theolo gy; existential theology; feminist theology; kerygmatic theology; latina theology; libera tion theology; mercersburg theology; mystery theology; narrative theology; new haven theolo gy; political theology; process theology; radical theology; theology of hope; thomism, transcen dental; womanist theology.

Certain papal encyclicals are of interest in an examination of the structure of theology: see, e.g., aeterni pa tris; humani generis; fides et ratio.

Eastern theology is treated in byzantine theology; greek theology; and russian theology, as well as in separate articles on Eastern theologians.

[g. f. lanave]

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