Werblowsky, Raphael Juda Zwi

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WERBLOWSKY, RAPHAEL JUDA ZWI (1924– ), scholar in the field of comparative religion. Born in Frankfurt on the Main, Werblowsky lectured at Leeds University, the Institute of Jewish Studies, Manchester University (1951–56), and then at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, where he was a professor from 1962, and served as dean of the Faculty of Humanities from 1965 to 1969. Among his published works are Lucifer and Prometheus, a Study of Milton's Satan (dissertation, with an introduction by C.G. Jung, 1952); Das Gewissen in juedischer Sicht (1958); Joseph KaroLawyer and Mystic (1962; dealing mainly with Karo's mystical experiences as recorded in his Maggid Meisharim); Anti-semitisme, anti-Zionisme (with H. van Praage, written in Dutch, 1969); and Beyond Tradition and Modernity (1976). Werblowsky translated from Dutch into English J.L. Palache's Semantic Notes on the Hebrew Lexicon (1959) and was editor of the Encyclopedia of Jewish Religion (with G. Wigoder, 1965, 19902) and The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion (1997). He represented Israel at many international conferences on Jewish-Christian relations. For the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica he was a consulting editor and the divisional editor of Judaism.

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