William of Macclesfeld
Dominican theologian; b. Coventry, England; d. Canterbury, between May and December 1303. Probably a member of the priory of Chester, he was a master of theology at the University of oxford, distinguished by prudence and brilliant theological works. Macclesfeld studied at St. Jacques, Paris, where he earned his bachelor of theology degree, and was probably the Willielmus Anglicus who preached university sermons in Paris (1293–94). He returned to England, was promoted as master, and served as regent of studies at Blackfriars. In 1302 with thomas jorz and John de Cesterlade, he acted as arbiter in a dispute between Exeter priory and the dean and chapter of Exeter. The provincial chapter of 1302 chose Macclesfeld as definitor for the general chapter to be held in Besançon (1303). He died while returning from the chapter and was buried in London. Meanwhile, Pope Benedict XI, unaware of Macclesfeld's death, created him cardinal priest of St. Sabina (Dec. 18, 1303). His death is noted in the acts of the general chapter of 1304.
The following works are attributed to Macclesfeld: Postillae in sacra biblia, In evangelium de decem virginibus, Quaestiones de angelis, Quaestiones ordinariae, Contra Henricum de Gandavo in quibus impugnat s. Thomam de Aquino, De unitate formarum, De comparatione statuum, Orationes ad clerum, and Varia problemata. Macclesfeld is held by some to have been the author of the Correctorium corruptorii Sciendum, one of the Dominican replies to the Correctorium fratris Thomae of the Franciscan william de la mare [P. Glorieux, "Le Correctorum Corruptorii Sciendum," Bibliothèque Thomiste 31 (1956) 19]. This question, however, is still open [see L. J. Bataillon, Bulletin Thomiste, 10 (1957–59) 583–594].
Bibliography: j. quÉtif and j. Échard, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum 1.2:493–494. a.b. emden, A Biogrqaphical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500 2:1200–1201.
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