Creation Science

views updated May 14 2018

Creation Science

Creation science is a science-styled activity dedicated to the goal of providing observational, experimental, and theoretical support for the basic tenets of young-earth episodic creationism. These tenets are: (1) that the world was brought into being recently (a few thousand years ago); and (2) that the basic types of physical structures (like the sun, moon, and stars) and the basic kinds of living creatures were formed by episodes of supernatural intervention during the first week after the beginning. On the basis of its interpretation of selected empirical data, creation science argues that the universe cannot be as old as the natural sciences have concluded, and that the full array of life forms could not possibly be the outcome of uninterrupted evolutionary development.

See also Creationism; Design; Design Argument; Intelligent Design; Scopes Trial

howard j. van till

creation ‘science’

views updated May 09 2018

creation ‘science’ The extreme form of creationism, in which it is maintained that science does not refute the Genesis stories of the creation and flood, but confirms them. Many analyses of creation ‘science’ in recent years have shown that it engages in the twisting or ignoring of scientific evidence, as well as special pleading, and that it is intellectually dishonest.

creation ‘science’

views updated Jun 08 2018

creation ‘science’ The extreme form of creationism, in which it is maintained that science does not refute the Genesis stories of the creation and the flood, but confirms them. Many analyses of creation ‘science’ in recent years have shown that it engages in twisting or ignoring scientific evidence, as well as special pleading, and that it is scientifically dishonest.

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