du·plex / ˈd(y)oōpleks/ • n. something having two parts, in particular: ∎ a house divided into two apartments, with a separate entrance for each. ∎ an apartment on two floors. ∎ Biochem. a double-stranded polynucleotide molecule.• adj. 1. having two parts, in particular: ∎ (of a house) having two apartments. ∎ (of an apartment) on two floors. ∎ (of paper or board) having two differently colored layers or sides. ∎ Biochem. consisting of two polynucleotide strands linked side by side. ∎ (of a printer or its software) capable of printing on both sides of the paper.2. (of a communications system, computer circuit, etc.) allowing the transmission of two signals simultaneously in opposite directions. Compare with multiplex, simplex.
Duplex ★★ 2003 (PG-13)
New York yuppies try to bump off a sweet old lady for her rent-controlled apartment in Brooklyn. Alex (Stiller) and Nancy (Barrymore), however, didn't start out as would-be assassins in the name of real estate. After moving into a picture-perfect duplex downstairs from Mrs. Connell, they discover that, although very old and in poor health, she still manages a host of irksome behaviors. With her health not declining nearly fast enough, the senior-crazed couple are driven to desperate measures. Stiller is top-notch and Barry-more a worthy co-star despite a farfetched plot that revenge comedy specialist/director DeVito ultimately doesn't sell. 88m/C VHS, DVD . US Drew Barrymore, Ben Stiller, Eileen Essell, Harvey Fierstein, Justin Theroux, Robert Wisdom, Amber Valletta, James Remar, Maya Rudolph, Swoosie Kurtz, Wallace Shawn; D: Danny DeVito; W: Larry Doyle; C: Anastas Michos; M: David Newman.