
views updated May 23 2018

ex·cep·tion / ikˈsepshən/ • n. a person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule: the drives between towns are a delight, and the journey to Graz is no exception.PHRASES: take exception to object strongly to; be offended by: they took exception to his bohemian demeanor.with the exception of except; not including.without exception with no one or nothing excluded.


views updated May 23 2018


The act of excepting or excluding from a number designated or from a description; that which is excepted or separated from others in a general rule or description; a person, thing, or case specified as distinct or not included; an act of excepting, omitting from mention, or leaving out of consideration. Express exclusion of something from operation of contract or deed. An exception operates to take something out of a thing granted that would otherwise pass or be included.

Objection to an order or ruling of a trial court. A formal objection to the action of the court, during the trial of a case, in refusing a request or overruling an objection; implying that the party excepting does not acquiesce in the decision of thecourt, but will seek to procure its reversal, and that he or she means to save the benefit of his or her request or objection in some future proceeding. Under rules practiced in the federal and most state courts, the need for claiming an exception to evidence or to a ruling to preserve appellate rights has been eliminated in favor of an objection.


views updated May 18 2018

exception the exception proves the rule originally this meant that the recognition of something as an exception proved the existence of a rule, but it is now more often used or understood as justifying divergence from a rule. The saying is recorded in English from the mid 17th century, and a related Latin proverb is, ‘exceptio probat regulam in casibus non exceptis [the exception confirms the rule in cases not excepted].’
there is an exception to every rule proverbial saying, late 16th century. (Compare the exception proves the rule and rules are made to be broken.)


views updated May 18 2018

exception An event occurring during execution of a program that makes continuation impossible or undesirable. Examples include division by zero, arithmetic overflow, array reference with index out of bounds, fault condition on a peripheral, and external interrupt. Many programming languages respond to an exception by aborting execution, but some (e.g. Ada) allow the programmer to provide a piece of code – called an exception handler – that is automatically invoked when the exception occurs. This can take appropriate remedial action, then either resume execution of the program (at the point where the exception occurred or elsewhere) or terminate the program in a controlled manner.

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