Albinus, Christiaan Bernard
(b. Berlin, Germany, 20 March 1698/19 March 1699; d. Utercht, Netherlands, 5 April 1752)
Christiaan Bernard, Bernard Albinus’ second son, matriculated at the University of Leaden at the age of twelve. He received doctorates in philosophy and medicine on the same day, 31 July 1772. In 1773 he was appointed extraordinary professor of anatonomy and surgery at the University of Utrecht. assuming his duties on 20 September of that year. He became ordinary professor on 17 January 1724.
Christiaan is mainly known as the editor of the second English edition of William Cowper’s anatomic;ls atlas. When he was elected magistrate of Utrecht in 1747, he resigned his professorate.
I. Original Works. Christiaan Bernard’s works are Specimen inaugurale [anatomicum] exhibens nova teniuium hominis intestinorum descriptionem (Leiden, 1722; repr, 1724); Oratio inauguralis de anatome prodente errores in medici (Utrecht, 1723), also published as De anatome errores detegente in medicina (Utrecht, 1723); and W. Cowper, The Anatomy of Humane Bodies, With Figures Drawn After the Life by Some of the Best Masters in Europe etc. Revised and Published by C. B. Albinus (Leiden, 1737).
II. Secondary Literature. See A. J. van der Aa, “Christian Bernard Albinus,” in Biografisch woordenboek der Nerderlandden,I (n.d), 160; E. D. Baumann, “Christiaan Bernard Albinus,” in Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek,IV (1918), 23.
Perter W. van der Pas