Dragonflies are large flying insects in the order Odonata. Dragonflies can be as large as 3 in (7.5 cm) in length, with a wing span of up to 8 in (20 cm). The
fossilized remains of a huge dragonfly-like insect that had a wingspread of more than 2 ft (70 cm) is known from the Carboniferous period, some 300 million years ago.
Dragonflies are very distinctive insects, with large eyes that almost cover the entire head, a short thorax, a long slender abdomen, and glassy membranous wings. Dragonflies are classified in the suborder Anisoptera since their hindwings are larger than their forewings, and the wings are habitually held straight out when at rest. They feed on other insects, which they catch in flight.
Dragonflies are usually found around streams and ponds, where they feed, mate, and lay their eggs. The mating habits of dragonflies are conspicuous and unusual. The male generally sets up a territory over a part of a stream or pond which he patrols for most of the day. When a newly emerged female flies into the territory, the male flies above her and lands on her back, bends his abdomen far forward and deposits sperm on the underside of his second abdominal segment, which is the site of his penis. Then, grasping the female behind the head with a pair of forceps-like structures at the end of his abdomen, he flies off with her in tandem. When she is ready to mate, she curls her abdomen down and forward to place its end under the male’s second abdominal segment, which has structures to hold it in place while the sperm are transferred to her reproductive tract. The pair may fly around in this unusual “wheel” configuration for several minutes. Egg-laying begins within a short time, with the male either continuing to hold the female while she dips her abdomen into the water to lay the
Globe-skimmer— One of the most widely distributed of all dragonflies.
Naiad— The aquatic larval stage of dragonflies.
Thorax— The body region of insects that supports the legs and wings.
eggs, or waiting above her and then regrasping her after each egg-laying session. The eggs hatch into aquatic larval form (naiad) after a few days.
Like the adults, the wingless naiads feed on insects and other small aquatic animals. The lower lip (labium) of the larvae is retractable with jaws that can be thrust out in front of the head to catch and pull the prey back to the chewing mandibles. The naiads have gills in the last segments of the abdomen and ventilate the gills by pumping water in and out. The contraction of the pumping muscles also allows the larvae to “jet” forward rapidly out of harm’s way. During the winter, the larvae live in the water, where they grow, shedding the external skeleton (molting) several times. In the spring, the larvae climb out of the water, molt again, and the newly-transformed adult dragonflies emerge and unfurl their wings.
Some 5, 000 species of dragonflies are known, living in every continent except Antarctica, and on most islands as well. The principal families of dragonflies are the high-flying darners, the Aeshnidae, and the skimmers, the Libellulidae.
Carde, Ring, and Vincent H. Resh, eds. Encyclopedia of Insects. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2003.
d’Aguilar, J., J.L. Dommanget, and R. Prechac. A Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain, Europe and North Africa. London: Collins, 1986.
Herndon G. Dowling
Dragonflies are large flying insects in the order Odonata. Dragonflies can be as large as 3 in (7.5 cm) in length, with a wing span of up to 8 in (20 cm). The fossilized remains of a huge dragonfly-like insect that had a wingspread of more than 2 ft (70 cm) is known from the Carboniferous period, some 300 million years ago.
Dragonflies are very distinctive insects, with large eyes that almost cover the entire head, a short thorax, a long slender abdomen, and glassy membranous wings. Dragonflies are classified in the suborder Anisoptera since their hindwings are larger than their forewings, and the wings are habitually held straight out when at rest. They feed on other insects, which they catch in flight.
Dragonflies are usually found around streams and ponds, where they feed, mate, and lay their eggs. The mating habits of dragonflies are conspicuous and unusual. The male generally sets up a territory over a part of a stream or pond which he patrols for most of the day. When a newly emerged female flies into the territory, the male flies above her and lands on her back, bends his abdomen far forward and deposits sperm on the underside of his second abdominal segment, which is the site of his penis. Then, grasping the female behind the head with a pair of forceps-like structures at the end of his abdomen, he flies off with her in tandem. When she is ready to mate, she curls her abdomen down and forward to place its end under the male's second abdominal segment, which has structures to hold it in place while the sperm are transferred to her reproductive tract. The pair may fly around in this unusual "wheel" configuration for several
minutes. Egg-laying begins within a short time , with the male either continuing to hold the female while she dips her abdomen into the water to lay the eggs, or waiting above her and then regrasping her after each egg-laying session. The eggs hatch into aquatic larval form (naiad) after a few days.
Like the adults, the wingless naiads feed on insects and other small aquatic animals. The lower lip (labium) of the larvae is retractable with jaws that can be thrust out in front of the head to catch and pull the prey back to the chewing mandibles. The naiads have gills in the last segments of the abdomen and ventilate the gills by pumping water in and out. The contraction of the pumping muscles also allows the larvae to "jet" forward rapidly out of harm's way. During the winter, the larvae live in the water, where they grow, shedding the external skeleton (molting) several times. In the spring, the larvae climb out of the water, molt again, and the newly-transformed adult dragonflies emerge and unfurl their wings.
Some 5,000 species of dragonflies are known, living in every continent except Antarctica , and on most islands as well. The principal families of dragonflies are the high-flying darners, the Aeshnidae, and the skimmers, the Libellulidae.
Borror, D.J., and R.E. White. A Field Guide to the Insects ofAmerica North of Mexico. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980.
Borror, D.J., D.M. Delong, and C.A. Triplehorn. An Introduction to the Study of Insects. 4th ed. New York: Holt, Reinhart & Winston, 1976.
Carde, Ring, and Vincent H. Resh, eds. Encyclopedia of Insects. San Diego: Academic Press, 2003.
d'Aguilar, J., J.L. Dommanget, and R. Prechac. A Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain, Europe and North Africa. London: Collins, 1986.
Herndon G. Dowling
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- Globe-skimmer
—One of the most widely distributed of all dragonflies.
- Naiad
—The aquatic larval stage of dragonflies.
- Thorax
—The body region of insects that supports the legs and wings.
Order: Odonata
Suborder: Anisoptera
Life Cycle: incomplete
Three Life Stages: egg, nymph, and adult
Life Span: anywhere from 2-4 years
Weed dweller | Mud dweller |
Body Description
Antennae: 2 very small
Eyes: 2 very large compound eyes that almost touch each other and make the head look small
Mouth: (lower lip) able to reach out to grasp or seize prey, under the thorax and head
Tail: none
Wings: pads
Gills: no outer surface
Legs: 6, spider like and tightly based
Abdomen: very wide, thick and compressed
Body Colors: camouflage to environment, mottled browns, olive & brownish black, shades of yellow
Mobility: very active. They crawl, dart, and free swim and hunt for food
Body Description
Antennae: 2 very small
Eyes: 2 very large compound eyes that touch or almost touch each other on top of the head, very dominant
Wings: 2 sets, hind wings are wider than forewings, strongly veined glassy wings of equal length. They separate horizontally at rest or in flight, can spread up to 6”
Legs: very small held tightly to the thorax
Abdomen: long, slender and segmented
Tail: none
Body Colors: incredible metallic fluorescent shades. Colors vary from bright greens, purples, and clarets, rusty reds, burnt oranges, blues and blacks
Anisoptera (dragonflies; class Insecta, order Odonata) One of the three suborders of dragonflies, comprising insects which are generally more robust, and fly more strongly, than those in the other suborders. The anisopteran hind wing has a broader base than the fore wing, both parts being held outspread when the insect is at rest. The larvae are aquatic and robust, with an elaborate system of tracheal gills arranged in longitudinal rows within the rectum. Adults are often brightly coloured, and fly near water. This cosmopolitan suborder has nine families (Aeshnidae, Cordulegasteridae, Corduliidae, Gomphidae, Libellulidae, Macromiidae, Neopetaliidae, Petaluridae, and Synthemidae), containing more than 2500 species.
Dragonfly ★½ 2002 (PG-13)
I see dead performances. Cheesy, self-gratifying supernatural snorer has Costner as Chicago's dour ER doctor Joe Darrow, righteously widowed when his doctor wife bites the dust tending to the poor in Venezuela, while pregnant, no less. Unable to accept her death, Darrow is convinced she's trying to contact him from Beyond as he receives a series of cryptic messages, some from the children in his wife's pediatric oncology ward. Darrow's talking parrot provides some of the sillier scenes in this slow-paced, must-miss melodrama. Bates as the neighbor manages to liven up her scenes, anyway. Director Shadyac (“Patch Adams”) certainly didn't want his lead here displaying any of his other doctor's kid-loving antics, and glum and glummer Costner is a dutiful downer as he pumps the kids in the ward for info about his dead wife. 103m/C VHS, DVD . US Kevin Costner, Joe Morton, Susanna Thompson, Ron Rifkin, Linda Hunt, Kathy Bates, Jay Thomas, Matt Craven, Robert Bailey Jr., Lisa Banes, Jacob Smith; D: Tom Shadyac; W: David Seltzer, Brandon Camp, Mike Thompson; C: Dean Semler; M: John Debney.
drag·on·fly / ˈdragənˌflī/ • n. (pl. -flies) a fast-flying long-bodied predatory insect (suborder Anisoptera, order Odonata) with two pairs of large transparent wings that are spread out sideways at rest. Compare with damselfly.
Anisoptera (mersawa; family Dipterocarpaceae) A genus of large, evergreen trees that yield valuable, usually siliceous, timber. They are native from Assam to New Guinea, and are found in lowland tropical rain forest. There are 11 species.
dragonfly Swift-flying insect of the order Odonata. It has a long, slender, often brightly coloured abdomen, and two pairs of large membranous wings. Like the damselfly, it mates while flying. The carnivorous nymphs, which hatch from eggs laid on water plants, are aquatic. Wingspan: to 17cm (7in).