Arctic scrub

views updated May 17 2018

Arctic scrub A scrub composed of plants that average about 60 cm high, and including dwarf willows (see SALIX), birches (see BETULA), or both. It occurs in damp hollows and along the edge of water in the low Arctic belt of the tundra. Northwards it becomes more stunted and limited in area and more or less disappears beyond the centre of the middle Arctic belt.

Arctic scrub

views updated Jun 08 2018

Arctic scrub A scrub composed of plants that average about 60 cm high, and including dwarf willows (Salix), birches (Betula), or both. It occurs in damp hollows and along the edge of water in the low Arctic belt of the tundra. Northwards it becomes more stunted and limited in area, and more or less disappears beyond the centre of the middle Arctic belt.

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